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BBI Spreaders Optimized for Ag and Turf Applications

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8ft Cricket Vineyard Spreader

8ft Cricket Vineyard Spreader 00CV

Cricket Vineyard / Orchard Spreader - Fertilizer, Lime and Compost - Compact - Narrow Swath - Rated for 30-40 HP

The Salford BBI Cricket Vineyard Spreader provides an affordable and dependable tool for spreading fertilizer, lime and compost in your vineyard or orchard. Whether working as a Vineyard Spreader or Orchard Spreader, the 58 inch hopper allows it to clear low overhanging limbs. The reversible wheels allow a 50 or a 60 inch track to accommodate most vineyards. If spreading fertilizer, lime or compost in your vineyard or orchard, the BBI Cricket Spreader is the perfect solution.

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Ag and Turf Spreaders

8 ft MagnaSpread Single Axle Granular Fertilizer Lime Spreader with Ag and Turf design. Low Profile - Low Center of Gravity - Pull with a LOW HP Tractor. All BBI MagnaSpread units come equipped with the proprietary BBI Binary Manifold which makes use of all electronics a Snap! Spreads lime at up to 2 tons per acre at 14 mph with a 60 ft swath. Spreads Fertilizer with 80 foot plus swaths! Cricket Ag and Turf - The BBI Cricket Ag and Turf Fertilizer Spreader is a precision fertilizer spreader designed for the golf course or other turf environments. The Cricket Ag is ideal for Golf Courses, Turf, Sod, Food Plots and Small Farms. Various options are available to adapt the unit to particular needs of each environment. The Cricket Ag has a 8 x 48 hopper with a capacity of 64 cubic feet struck. It has 15 ground clearance and a 16 conveyor.
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